Every vehicle MUST have key assigned to it or you wont be able to park car in garage
After you buy boat or unpack boat make sure you assign key before: you go +200m from it, server restarts
Dont leave vehicles in bases they will despawn
Only pack your vehicle with car parking wrench when you want to sell that vehicle
Every time you pack your vehicle it will reset key so you wont be able to lock it
If you ever lose your key or pack car and key is not working anymore open ticket in discord
Car receipt can be bugged sometime so ONLY use it when you want to sell vehicle
Admins will not replace you any lost stuff if you repack vehicle
You can store max 10 vehicles in garage with loot inside, just make sure you dont place keys and vehicle recepit in vehicle that you will park in garage
You can damage the boat if you are getting shot by AI
If anyone takes out any other vehicle except boat at boat garages and that vehicle get damaged/ruined admins will not help you (if you have insurance for that vehicle and you claim it after you have do that it will be counted like you claimed it 10 times)
Non-group (max 2 players):
Vehicle limit is 2 vehicles per player (car, heli, boat)
Group (over 2 players):
Vehicle limit is 1 vehicle per player (car, heli, boat)
Player is obliged to lock his vehicle, any lost vehicles will not be replaced by admins. (You can't steal car without permission from admin)
Player can take unlocked vehicle only if vehicle is: given by admin, given by player.
In case of a spawn vehicle without a key you need to buy a key from a trader.
All your vehicles have to be in garage before restart, vehicles left outside of garage have 4 hours to be parked in or they will be deleted without warning
If you don't park your vehicle in garage and it gets deleted admins will not spawn you new one
List of boats:
Max Speed: 118 knots
2 Colors
400 Slots
Price: 850 000€
Max Speed: 63 knots
3 Colors
150 Slots
Price: 650 000€
Max Speed: 47 knots
1 Color
300 Slots
Price: 450 000€
Max Speed: 31 knots
2 Colors
100 Slots
Price: 250 000€
Max Speed: 30 knots
1 Color
300 Slots
Price: 300 000€
CarpBoat Rusty:
Max Speed: 30 knots
1 Color
300 Slots
Price: 270 000€
!!! All prices shown here are in game currency !!!
List of boat garages:
On every photo you can see where does boat needs to parked so you are able to park it in